Tuesday, April 9, 2013

C.N. - chapter 67

Man at twelve o'clock; Graham shot the man at twelve o'clock.
Man at nine o'clock; Eric shot the man at nine o'clock.
Two men at seven o'clock; Terry and Terry each shot one man who were at seven'clock. More of Kyle's henchmen burst from behind closed doors, their automatic weapons half-raised, and got shot before they could begin to squeeze the trigger. This continued until the main hallway was full of slumped bodies, put to sleep by extra rapid-speed sedative darts fired with deadly accuracy from Graham, Eric, Michael, John, Terry and Terry's dart-shooters.
Laura's ninjas really have amazing reflexes.
We had landed on the roof of Theo's house, were Kyle's henchmen first spotted us (the flyasaurus, which also has a stealth mode, made our entrance as quiet as a mosquito landing) probably after hearing the impact of some monstrous fly machine touching down on the ceiling over their heads. They opened fire on the flyasaurus and shattered a few of its windows; we couldn't get out because of this.
Michael complained that Eric should have installed the bullet-proof glass on the flyasaurus sooner, and Eric replied that the shipments were delayed, so it wasn't his problem; they got into an argument and completely ignored the firing from outside.
Theo was clever to have used the perfume grenades, though I must agree with the other fellow guys who were there that the perfume grenades were intolerable. Kyle's henchmen on the roof all passed out within a matter of minutes (Laura interrogated the last one of them who didn't fall unconscious yet for the location of Kyle, and afterwards she knocked the guy out too) and gave us cleared entry into the house.
Graham, Eric, Michael, John, Terry and Terry blasted through the second floor with Laura in toll. They moved so quickly Dennis was having trouble keeping up with their pace because he was wearing a ninja suit three sizes too small for him (the right sized uniforms were all taken because Dennis was the last to suit up) which reduced his walking speed to an agitated penguin shuffle. I helped him along while Theo went on ahead with Laura and the ninjas. Mr. Kent twisted his hand somehow, so he stayed behind at the flyasaurus.
We came to Mr. North's study, which still had the evidence that a bomb had been set off there, and entered the secret tunnel. Many of the branches in the tunnel had caved in except for one that had been cleared of debris. It led us straight to what Laura called the Batcave (it very much did look like Batman's secret cave, I realized it too), where I found the hovercraft.
Mr. Wayne and Mr. Parker jumped out of the shadows of some land-rovers that were under construction and Terry and Terry shot them down.
The Batcave was dim and silent. Kyle must be close.
'Halt!' Kyle's voice echoed in the huge chamber.
Graham fired a dart at where he perceived Kyle's voice to have come from.
Kyle swore loudly, 'You almost hit me!' His echo traveled through the chamber.
'Come out of the shadows Kyle North,' Laura said with absolute confidence, 'Come out so we can talk face-to-face and therefore work towards a solution to this traitorous business you've unwisely gotten yourself into, because that's quite honestly my only intention.' She was definitely in control of the situation.
'No! You're bluffing!' Kyle replied.
'Damien would be very disappointed if he sees you now, what you've become, how you've misused the powers of the North family to your own gain.'
'Shut up! I'm the one calling the shots here, not you! I have a hostage! I have Wolfgang, what do you say to that!'
Theo replied angrily, 'Don't you dare harm Wolfgang! You are trapped! Come out and surrender or else!'
'Or else what?'
'Well well, the nerve he has to even ask that.' Laura remarked calmly. I wonder what she had up her sleeve that would make Kyle surrender.
'I will KILL you! You hear? I will rip you open with the most painful surgical tool I find and strangle you with your own filthy guts, and if that doesn't satisfy me I'll-'
'Whoa, listen to that, my kid sister has already learned to make death threats in detail, how-' Kyle's voice was cut short by the sound of something metallic hitting a skull, Dennis was looking at Theo as if for the first time, and I noticed that Michael and John were no longer with us.
Several moments later, Graham and John emerged from some hovercraft parts a few yards away. Graham was carrying the unconscious form of Kyle, and John was carrying the equally unconscious form of Wolfgang, bond and gagged by bedsheets.
Laura took Wolfgang from John and untied him. She stroked his hair lovingly. Wolfgang appeared to be sleeping peacefully, one arm still in a sling from the gunshot wound inflicted by Mr. Dragon.
'He's sedated, but he should be okay.' Graham said of Wolfgang, 'Kyle North clearly knew nothing of the advantages of having his hostage conscious during a hostile negotiation as to having his hostage unconscious.'
'Oh shush Graham, now it not the time for jokes,' Laura said with a dreamy smile, 'you're witnessing the reunion of long-separated mother and son, show a little respect.'
'And like you told us, we followed his voice and found him hiding behind one of those propeller engines, I knocked him out with a good blow to the back of his head.' John said of Kyle, 'For someone who's supposed to be the mastermind traitor in the family, he sure is an amateur.'
Laura didn't hear us, she was immersed in her ethereal moment of joy. No one disturbed her until the moment passed and she looked at each of us in turn.
'That was swift and well-done, Graham and John, carry Kyle with us, will you? I will hold on to Wolfgang myself for now.'
'Just a second,' Theo said. She went forth to Kyle's unconscious form on the pavement and kicked him in the shins. 'That felt good.' She breathed deeply and smiled. Graham and John picked Kyle up and we started back for the roof, with two new members among us.

We got back to the roof and found the flyasaurus completely wrecked. Mr. Kent sat some distance away massaging his injured hand.
Graham screamed, 'What in the name of the devil's fiery inferno happened!'
'I-I don't know,' Mr. Kent stammered, 'I was just sitting inside there and suddenly there was this beeping sound like an alarm...and-and the red light was flashing so I thought I'd better get out of there...and t-then just as I got out the thing blew up...I don't know what caused that to happen.'
'That doesn't make any sense,' said John.
Graham screamed some more, 'Blasted devil's buttcheeks! You gotta be kidding me!'
'The red light is the self-destruct signal. It couldn't have activated itself. Someone must have pushed the button.' John continued. His reasoning was drowned out in the clamor of voices, arguing over how we would get to Mr. Dragon's island with the flyasaurus destroyed.
Laura too was removed from the argument, looking both amused and annoyed as she stroked Wolfgang's sedated head. She beckoned me to her side and said, 'Charlie, you haven't forgotten what I told you, have you?'
'No I haven't.' I replied.
'Have you forgotten about the part about telling the others what I told you?'
I thought for a bit, 'That part I did forget.' I confirmed.
'Alright then, why don't you go now and tell those colleagues of mine what I told you, so they can stop their arguing.'
I did as she told me and got everyone's attention.
'I forgot to tell everyone what Laura told me before we flew here. She called her other colleagues and told them to come here to Theo's house and meet us with more flyasauruses. When they arrive the plan was to attack Mr. Dragon together. They should be almost here, so the plan should be able to continue unhindered.'
My announcement was met with slaps to the head, exclamations of 'Why didn't I think of that before!' and cheers.
'Damn it!' Mr. Kent said through his lips. He almost looked disappointed for some reason.
'What did you say?' said Theo.
'Oh, uh...damn good...damn good we have a back-up.'

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